Higher Education design.

I am responsible for the research, bidding, design strategy, and execution of more than 20 publications annually, with the design help of the Graphic Designer II who I supervise. I work closely with university teams to create a vision while adhering to brand strategies.

From paper to print.

Though this publication has changed drastically over the years, this is still one of our largest annual publications that provides general admissions information to prospective students.

In 2022, I was the sole designer for this 28-page publication and was tasked with revamping the previous design over the course of one month. I worked with my manager to write print specifications, filter bids, research target populations, manage content, schedule student video profiles, and adhere to brand guidelines. We printed 115,000 copies for a total cost just shy of $75,000.

Check out my case study below for more details on my design process.

More Higher Education design.

From publications and postcards to email banners and microsites, I help produce for the University of Florida Admissions team. Here are a few projects I have worked on.


Editorial Layouts